Until two years ago, I thought it was rather courageous of me to be planning to backpack around the world as soon as I could muster up the money. I was going to give an obscene gesture to "the man" and delve into the counter-culture of backpacking and the vagabond's lifestyle.
Then Jon, my younger brother, joined the Marine Reserves and my perspective on courage changed drastically. He knew he'd be going to Iraq when he joined, yet he did so anyways out of a sense of duty to his country. I use to think such words were cheesy and vapid, until I sensed the sincerity behind them after he joined (while trying to justify the action with his petrified older brother and parents).
Last week we received an e-mail from him after he arrived safely in Kuwait. Two days later was his first e-mail from Iraq, which was surprisingly upbeat. It's the 16th country he's visited (he's ahead of me in that regard, though not for long). Below is an excerpt:
Funniest thing so far: Immediately after landing in a combat zone, we stand in line to receive our linens. Some of them are pink, tinker bell sheets.
Regardless of your thoughts on the war, please keep our soldiers, and the innocent people of Iraq in your thoughts and prayers. I know I will.
skip says
I salute you Jon, and all the brave Soldiers! They have the courage that few can muster these days, especially from behind our tv's and computers...
skip says
I salute you Jon, and all the brave Soldiers! They have the courage that few can muster these days, especially from behind our tv's and computers...
Stacy says
It sounds like your parents raised two gutsy, adventurous sons. I hope both of you stay safe. Thank goodness for the internet, please keep your parents posted on how you are as often as possible.
Stacy says
It sounds like your parents raised two gutsy, adventurous sons. I hope both of you stay safe. Thank goodness for the internet, please keep your parents posted on how you are as often as possible.
Dave says
Thank you both! Yes, I'm already appreciating the fact that my brother took a little laptop with him, and has emailed us several times already. His job function has something to do with networking computers on a giant air base in eastern Al Anbar provence. I think of him as an armed HelpDesk Technician!
Dave says
Thank you both! Yes, I'm already appreciating the fact that my brother took a little laptop with him, and has emailed us several times already. His job function has something to do with networking computers on a giant air base in eastern Al Anbar provence. I think of him as an armed HelpDesk Technician!