The flight from Chengdu to Lhasa was cool - crossing over the Tibetan Plateau - the snow-capped, glacier-ridden mountains slowly coming into view through the cloud cover. Getting to the airport early had paid off - I was able to secure a window seat (13A) for both legs. Next to me were two Kiwis living and working in Scotland/Wales. They were quite friendly and I enjoyed talking with them. One of the guys relayed his experiences with an overland tour in Africa. In front of us were an American girl (Rose from California) and two Spaniards who were traveling by bicycle. Like me, they had to skip past Tibet for Nepal due to the recent turmoil. I admired their sense of adventure.
Even if just at the airport, I was glad to have touched down in Lhasa, Tibet - rooftop of the world - 12,000 feet! I think adrenaline and a hangover outmatched any immediate feelings from the altitude. I bought a small square thangka (painting) made in a Tibetan monastery and a turquoise/silver necklace at the gift shop. And then we boarded the second flight to Kathmandu.
We passed over the Himalaya and had a fantastically clear view of Mt. Everest out of the right side of the plane. It felt so near - it was massive. I took tons of photos as did most of the passengers.
Combined, the two flights were no more than about four hours, yet they inspired more awe in me than all the rest I've taken combined. I did my best to suck it all in, not knowing when I'd have such an opportunity again.
Sara Kerns says
Gosh I am so happy for you out doing all this awesome stuff. High five!
Dave says
Thanks....I'm so glad you're out there in California keeping up with me over here in Nepal. Small world!
Sara Kerns says
Gosh I am so happy for you out doing all this awesome stuff. High five!
Dave says
Thanks....I'm so glad you're out there in California keeping up with me over here in Nepal. Small world!
dan says
That first photo looks like a painting, unreal, beautiful. I can't wait.
Dave says
Yea, my eyes were glued to the window the whole time.
Laane says
One of my wishes.
I'm so glad to have found your blog and that you have shared these photos!
Thanks for sharing!
Dave says
Sure thing Laane - especially if it helps others to travel to such amazing places. :)
crambox says
wow just WOW thats the stuff dreams are made of!!!!!! :mrgreen:
crambox says
wow just WOW thats the stuff dreams are made of!!!!!! :mrgreen:
Debo Hobo says
WOW simply amazing view. Gorgoues!!! :wink:
Kango Suz says
Wow, those photos are AMAZING!!! I can't believe you were able to get such clear shots out of your plane windows- they must have been very clean. That's truly what your trip's about, these kinds of once-in-a-lifetime things.
Thanks for sharing.
dan says
That first photo looks like a painting, unreal, beautiful. I can't wait.
Dave says
Yea, my eyes were glued to the window the whole time.
Laane says
One of my wishes.
I'm so glad to have found your blog and that you have shared these photos!
Thanks for sharing!
Dave says
Sure thing Laane - especially if it helps others to travel to such amazing places. :)
Debo Hobo says
WOW simply amazing view. Gorgoues!!! :wink:
Kango Suz says
Wow, those photos are AMAZING!!! I can't believe you were able to get such clear shots out of your plane windows- they must have been very clean. That's truly what your trip's about, these kinds of once-in-a-lifetime things.
Thanks for sharing.
Jacob says
So envious of your luck to have such clear views. Cheers!
Jacob says
So envious of your luck to have such clear views. Cheers!
Dave says
Thanks was one of the more exciting plane rides I've ever taken!
Dave says
Thanks was one of the more exciting plane rides I've ever taken!