Check out this video to see Brock (from Backpack With Brock) slurp a beating cobra heart and then proceed to eat other delicious bits and pieces of the snake (including penis wine--I kid you not).
I had bet him $50 to do this while in Vietnam to make up for missing the experience myself.
I got the idea after seeing Anthony Bourdain do it on his old Food Network TV show and book, A Cook's Tour.
The only question is.....whether Brock can get through the whole meal without losing his lunch!
Neeraj says
Great, he da "man" for eating exotic animals and drinking penis wine! Idiot!
JimmyTH says
No respect due unless he ate the entire snake. Wasteful and pointless practice (and I've never heard anyone say anything good about the taste).
Dave says
Hey Jimmy, from the looks of it, he ate a whole lot of the snake. Not sure which part you think he missed? I mean it's not like this is a wilderness survival situation. I give him kudos for eating as much as he did.
GlobalButterfly says
Okay, I'm a staunch veggie and have been one for 10 years, but I gotta tell you Brock you f'cking rock!!!
Dave says
Hey Jimmy, from the looks of it, he ate a whole lot of the snake. Not sure which part you think he missed? I mean it's not like this is a wilderness survival situation. I give him kudos for eating as much as he did.
Dave says
Hey Jimmy, from the looks of it, he ate a whole lot of the snake. Not sure which part you think he missed? I mean it's not like this is a wilderness survival situation. I give him kudos for eating as much as he did.
Hoang Nguyen says
Yummy stuff