June 3, 2005
7:58 pm
$2.82 Pangea reservation $90.48 ATM withdrawal $102.83 ATM $99.10 ATM $111.93 ATM $7.78 restaurant Tamara $17.48 restaurant $17.97 Tabacon $24.36 Zapateria $42.97 SkyTrek $147.08 spa $28.56 Monteverde $36.72 gift shop $44.92 Jacama, Transport $109.90 ATM $88.25 ATM $109.76 ATM $85.48 surf lesson, board rental, repair $37.64 shuttle to San Jose $18.31 dinner $25.86 dinner $10.75 airport food $32.49 souvenirs $59.00 cabina $26.60 airport tax $1379.12 +300.00 traveler's checks $1679.12 +300.00 roundtrip airfare $1979.12 +100.00 cash $2079.12 not including new hiking boots and North Face jacket, film/development, and shotsLast Updated on December 3, 2018 by Dave Lee
Dave is the Founder and Editor in Chief of Go Backpacking and Feastio. He's been to 66 countries and lived in Colombia and Peru. Read the full story of how he became a travel blogger.