Packing List
- Gregory Chaos backpack
- Jansport day pack
- Pair Merrell hiking boots
- Pair Adidas sandals
- North Face wind breaker
- Pair North Face khaki pants
- Pair North Face khaki cargo shorts
- Bathing suit
- 4 shirts (1 undershirt, 1 T-shirt, 1 polo, 1 button down)
- 3 pairs of socks
- 3 boxers
- Hat
- Money belt
- Pack towel
- 35 mm camera (w/case)
- 2 rolls (800) film
- Bandana
- Mini mag light
- Hackie sack
- Waterproof matches
- Small padlock
- Small compass
- Let's Go Costa Rica guidebook
- Timex watch
- Nomad MP3 player
- Oakley sunglasses
- 2 mini Repel bug sprays
- First Aid Kit
- Bull Frog suntan lotion
- Campsuds (soap)
- Toiletries
- House key
- Passport
- Photocopy of passport
- Notebook w/ pen
- Driver's License
- Immunization card
- Book - " Awakening the Buddhist Heart"?
- Visa credit card
- Visa check card
- $300 Travelers checks
- $100 US cash