Free eBook
During my 'round the world trip from 2007-2009, I entertained 17 dares from family, friends, and readers in exchange for free beer and cash donations.
"Dare Me!" is a compilation of all the bets I received and what happened when I tried to win them. From the simply embarrassing to the death-defying and disgusting, there's sure to be a dare that makes you laugh, or cringe.
In addition to the original text, I've added extra commentary and new photos, plus the chance to win $30 in my own dare to YOU!
There are two ways to receive your free copy of "Dare Me!"
1 - Subscribe to GoBackpacking via RSS reader or e-mail. A download link for the eBook will be included at the bottom of every post for at least the next 30 days. In addition to an entertaining eBook, new blog posts will be delivered straight to your virtual doorstep. Existing subscribers can simply click on the download link at the bottom of this post.
2 - Subscribe to GoBackpacking's new, twice-monthly newsletter. Simply click this link or enter your first name and e-mail address in the boxes to the top right of this post. The first newsletter will be sent later this week, and will include highlights from the last few weeks of GoBackpacking, as well as links to other great travel-related articles, stories, and interviews from around the web. In the future, I also intend to share stories and advice which will not appear on the blog.
monicasalazar says
Lol! I've downloaded the ebook already and find some of your stories so funny. I think dares are probably not an option for us since I plan to travel with my preschooler. Maybe we should try...
I found some of your dares were paid too low, like $20 for eating dog. I'd ask 2000 ;)
Dave says
Hi Monica - thanks for checking out my book! I certainly don't think I'll be trying dog again. Once was enough.
Costa Rica Towns says
Sounds like a fun ebook, send me one please !