In the past week, I've come across quite a few new travel blogs I am eager to share, however, I must first recognize the end of the first blog I ever read on a consistent basis.
Joe Blogs' Conclusion – Before Joe left the UK last Summer to backpack around the world, he posted an invitation to BootsnAll forum readers to check out his blog.
I decided to follow his entire trip to help me stay motivated for my own. It's amazing how time flies! 329 days to be exact, as Joe points out in his final post.
I remember eagerly reading about his first few days after he touched down in Bangkok, Thailand. I remember his feelings of loneliness in Bali, Indonesia.
I remember his steady working gigs in Australia, adventures in New Zealand, and his anticlimactic reports from Fiji and the Cook Islands.
I truly enjoyed the whole thing, was sad to see it end, and find it odd to have such feelings given I've never even met the guy!
The last eleven months have been the most eventful of my life, and at times the most enjoyable too.
I've dreamt, I've planned, I've anticipated and fulfilled something that only a handful of the world's population alive today will undertake in their lifetime.
I have experienced every emotion: happiness, sadness, joy, elation, frustration, fear, panic, bewilderment, awe, excitement, surprise — Joe
JPony Choose My Adventure – Jeremy David is leaving on his RTW trip in 1 month 7 days.
To quote the author with two first names, “This blog is a real-life Choose Your Own Adventure.
Tell me where to go, what to do, and vote on my life while I backpack around the world!”
Besides a great attitude towards his future travels, I really like the clean, simple theme he has going too.
Avoid Bank Feels While Traveling – This is a great post listing current fees for major credit card and banking institutions for ATM withdrawals and foreign currency transactions.
It confirmed the good things I was hearing about Capital One and E*Trade accounts.
It is on a blog called Leave America, which is full of quality posts by expatriates abroad.
Armageddon Pills – Quick, what's the best way for a family of four to spend $121,100? Why travel around the world of course!
This site acts as a teaser for John Higham's soon to be released book by the same title.
In it, he documents his family's 52-week journey through 28 countries. That is a pace of more than 2 weeks a country, which sounds like a bit of a whirlwind.
The section entitled How to Plan A Trip Around the World contains helpful insight and advice for any traveler.
Mark and Greg's World Trip – These Aussies are old school, having taken their trip from 1998-1999, and posted it all in detail on the web, in HTML (which must've been a pain in the butt while on the road).
So far, I've only read their “Epilogue” as I'm simply struck by how much valuable info there is to go through.
Dave is the Founder and Editor in Chief of Go Backpacking and Feastio. He’s been to 66 countries and lived in Colombia and Peru. Read the full story of how he became a travel blogger.
Planning a trip? Go Backpacking recommends:
- G Adventures for small group tours.
- Hostelworld for booking hostels.
Jeremy David
Thursday 19th of July 2007
Hey thanks for the kind words!
I hope to see some suggestions from you when I peace out, ha ha. And I'm excited to see how your adventure unfolds... in 134 days :P
Jeremy David
Thursday 19th of July 2007
Hey thanks for the kind words!
I hope to see some suggestions from you when I peace out, ha ha. And I'm excited to see how your adventure unfolds... in 134 days :P
Friday 13th of July 2007
I truly enjoyed the whole thing, was sad to see it end, and find it odd to have such feelings given I've never even met the guy!
It really is amazing how much of a bond/empathy you develop towards fellow travelers/bloggers just through their blogs.
I love it and I'm really hoping that I get to meet some of my fellow bloggers during my travels.
Friday 13th of July 2007
Ditto - I would be thrilled to meet up with readers of my blog, or others whose blogs I read. Maybe I can even surf a couch or two if I'm lucky!
Friday 13th of July 2007
I truly enjoyed the whole thing, was sad to see it end, and find it odd to have such feelings given I've never even met the guy!
It really is amazing how much of a bond/empathy you develop towards fellow travelers/bloggers just through their blogs.
I love it and I'm really hoping that I get to meet some of my fellow bloggers during my travels.
Friday 13th of July 2007
Ditto - I would be thrilled to meet up with readers of my blog, or others whose blogs I read. Maybe I can even surf a couch or two if I'm lucky!