With the days to departure slipping away like sands through the hourglass, I want to thank the following people for their support and encouragement:
Family -
Mom and Dad - I have not forgotten you would like grandchildren some day. I'll pencil that into my next 5-year plan. If nothing else, take heart that when I put my mind to something - I can accomplish it. Thanks for all the food, shelter, and movies the past few weeks as it has allowed me the time and energy needed to finish my preparations.
Jon (brother) - for courageously joining the Marines and serving in Iraq. If you can go to war, I can surely spend a year trotting the globe. Come home safely.
Aunt Barbara and Amy - for your immediate and constant support.
Friends -
Kai - for keeping me focused and on-track, and urging me to work on my website again.
Bob - for saluting my cajones to take this kind of a trip. I'm thankful we got to hang out so much when you took time off from your career. I'll look for you on Skype.
Phil - for all the free drinks on your bar tabs, and letting me store my couch and table set in your basement. Good luck with your wedding plans!
Jason, Mady, Sean, John, Sam, Natasha, Sommer (and Jackie in spirit) - I'm glad we could all hang out at the 18th St Lounge before I left town. The 24-hour Korean BBQ was quite a trip (just like old times).
Chris J, Courtland, Andrew - what can I say? You guys knew me before I got bit by the travel bug, and I'm glad we've been able to stay in touch!
Coworkers -
Joe and Anne (bosses) - I appreciate all the advice you've given me over the years - it's made me a better person.
Stephen, Leo, Tina A., Adrienne, Julie, and too many more - you made working fun, which helped the days fly by!
Online Buddies -
Stu, Mike (Vagabondish.com), Stacy (RamblingTraveler.com), Dan (TheLostGlobe.com), Patrick (crambox), Kirsty (NerdyNomad.com) - for being the top commentators on my blog and offering constructive and positive feedback throughout the year.
Everyone in the BootsnAll Forums - you've helped me every step of the way, from developing a budget to calming my anxieties as my departure approaches! You'll be among the first I go to for help on the road.
Justin (Corporatewhorenomore.com) - I just copied your approach to adding Flickr notes as a way to create my inventory list! I'll post the link soon.
Megan (Me-go.net: Around the World) - I copied the format you used for displaying your RTW trip's cost per day (My version). And, I'm especially thankful you recently contacted me to discuss the topic of COBRA/medical insurance coverage.
To those reading: Check out my favorite blogs in the right sidebar sometime - I intend to remain subscribed to just about all of them. They've kept me motivated and entertained all year. I hope my blog can do the same for you.
Justin says
Good luck in your final days, Dave!
Justin says
Good luck in your final days, Dave!
Nath says
Good luck Dave, you're gonna have a blast - but make sure you find time to keep us updated!
Safe Travels
Alan says
Finally you're going to make it, I have been following your blogs for months :)
Have fun with your trip!
Dave says
Thanks Alan - I think we're both glad I've got something to show for all this writing and planning!
Alan says
Finally you're going to make it, I have been following your blogs for months :)
Have fun with your trip!
Dave says
Thanks Alan - I think we're both glad I've got something to show for all this writing and planning!
Nath says
Good luck Dave, you're gonna have a blast - but make sure you find time to keep us updated!
Safe Travels
Stacy says
Have a great time, Dave! We'll be thinking of you.
Stacy says
Have a great time, Dave! We'll be thinking of you.
Mike says
Best of luck, Dave! I'm quite jealous to say the least!
Dave says
Mike - you'd better take your trip too (perhaps with a successful webzine to support you along the way)! I'll be checking in from time to time on my RSS reader.
Mike says
Best of luck, Dave! I'm quite jealous to say the least!
Mike says
Best of luck, Dave! I'm quite jealous to say the least!
Dave says
Mike - you'd better take your trip too (perhaps with a successful webzine to support you along the way)! I'll be checking in from time to time on my RSS reader.
Dan says
Congratulations on finally getting there Dave I know it's been a long time coming and has been a hard slog involving a few life changes for you. It must make you proud to have come from where you were financially to where you are now. I hope it turns out to be more than you expect and changes your life forever. Looking forward now to your final few posts before you leave and a new type from the open road.
Dave says
I have felt quite a bit proud the past few weeks for having come so far. I really did have to change a lot in my life to get to this point, though it's been worth it. I look forward to seeing your plans come to fruition next year.
Boris says
It feels great when you're about to leave, doesn't it? Good luck on your first few stops and then I'll see you in Kiwiland...
Dave says
Yep - finally I'm feeling more excitement and less nervous! I look forward to buying you that beer in New Zealand.
Dan says
Congratulations on finally getting there Dave I know it's been a long time coming and has been a hard slog involving a few life changes for you. It must make you proud to have come from where you were financially to where you are now. I hope it turns out to be more than you expect and changes your life forever. Looking forward now to your final few posts before you leave and a new type from the open road.
Dave says
I have felt quite a bit proud the past few weeks for having come so far. I really did have to change a lot in my life to get to this point, though it's been worth it. I look forward to seeing your plans come to fruition next year.
Dave says
I have felt quite a bit proud the past few weeks for having come so far. I really did have to change a lot in my life to get to this point, though it's been worth it. I look forward to seeing your plans come to fruition next year.
Boris says
It feels great when you're about to leave, doesn't it? Good luck on your first few stops and then I'll see you in Kiwiland...
Dave says
Yep - finally I'm feeling more excitement and less nervous! I look forward to buying you that beer in New Zealand.
Dave says
Yep - finally I'm feeling more excitement and less nervous! I look forward to buying you that beer in New Zealand.
Boris says
It feels great when you're about to leave, doesn't it? Good luck on your first few stops and then I'll see you in Kiwiland...
Phil says
You're welcome Dave, and thank you for having the courage to take on this RTW adventure and keeping us engaged with your blog :)
Phil says
You're welcome Dave, and thank you for having the courage to take on this RTW adventure and keeping us engaged with your blog :)