Got no deeds to do, No promises to keep. I'm dappled and drowsy and ready to sleep. Let the morning time drop all it's petals on me. Life, I love you. All is groovy. -- Simon & Garfunkel
Monday, April 7, 2008
12:33 pm - Chomrong - Elev. 2,155 meters
I slept pretty well last night, though I think I had gas. Once I knocked off, I only awoke once due to a slight chill. Guessing asleep at 11am, up at 5:30am. The sky was clear blue, with the sun slowly rising in the east, illuminating Annapurna South, Hiun Chuli, Annapurna III, and Machhapuchhre.
After another breakfast of apple porridge, Nima and I headed down the mountain to the hot springs by the river below Jhinu danda which I skipped on the way up. It was relaxing with just the sound of the roaring river, and a sliver of Annapurna South to the north. We had the pool to ourself for 45 minutes.
The walk back up to Chomrong was tough. I took many breaks and went slow....slow. We basically climbed about 2,000 vertical feet in 1-1.5 hours. I've got a similar altitude to cover tomorrow over 5-6 hours. Gela is due back around 4-5pm I think. Hope she's good.
Estimated distance = 4 km