I paid for the good times in Wellington on my travel day to the South Island. I was up around 6am, took a 7am shuttle to the quay, and set sail aboard the 8:30am ferry to New Zealand's South Island.
The ferry ride was rather uneventful, and I spent a few minutes lounging in a variety of locations on the 5th and 7th level (the 8th was the top, and a bit too windy for relaxation). As we crossed the strait, it began to rain. By the time I got on the next STRAY bus, it was pouring. Ricky was my third driver, and turned out to be my favorite. His bus was consistently on time, he had a fun personality, and supplied good music (Pearl Jam, Sublime, and a few lesser known bands).
Our first stop was Abel Tasman park for 2 nights. We stayed on Old MacDonald's Farm (literally a working farm run by "Old" MacDonald). I was too tired to do the 5-hour park tramp, and didn't think the weather warranted a catamaran sail.
Our second stop was an old gold mining town, Barrytown, which is more of a rest stop when driving down the west coast. We stay at the main hotel/bar (which is literally the town), and usually everyone just drinks and cross-dresses (the photos on the wall bear evidence to this) because there's nothing to do. My bus only had 5 people, myself included, so we kept it to a walk down to the beach for the sunset.
The next morning, Katarin (Germany...again) and I did a bone carving activity. Working with beef shinbone is a lot like working with wood - at least the tools are the same. I was surprised how well my Fish Hook came out, and have been proudly wearing it as a necklace since. According to Maori mythology, the fish hook of Maui made from whalebone was used to haul up the North Island. It represents strength and determination and brings peace, prosperity and good health. It is also a mark of authority and leadership.
crambox says
Dave that necklace rocks & those pictures are great so glad you are keeping up with posting about your trip!!!!
Dave says
Patrick - Your comments have helped keep me psyched to report/write about my experiences. I know there are many more people out there quietly reading along.
crambox says
Dave that necklace rocks & those pictures are great so glad you are keeping up with posting about your trip!!!!
Dave says
Patrick - Your comments have helped keep me psyched to report/write about my experiences. I know there are many more people out there quietly reading along.
Phil says
Excellent carving Dave!
Phil says
Excellent carving Dave!
RBL says
We never got a report on glacier trip...how was it?
Dave says
The glacier post is coming soon.....
RBL says
We never got a report on glacier trip...how was it?
Dave says
The glacier post is coming soon.....
Stu says
very sweet looking bone carving dave! excellent work
Stu says
very sweet looking bone carving dave! excellent work
Tree says
Gorgeous carving--wow.
Tree says
Gorgeous carving--wow.
Dave says
Afterwards, I realized I should've taken a "before" photo of the original shin bone for comparison. I can't take credit for the polishing which gives it the sheen - that was done by the instructor. :)
nina says
Oi, you've already left! I'm really behind on my RSS feeds lol. Love the carving by the way. I've just got back from Australia. I would've loved to meet you there :( By the way, visiting Tasmania is a must!
Dave says
Hi Nina - nice to hear from you! I'll be in Oz in a few days, so it does sound like we just missed. I'll keep your suggestion about Tasmania in mind!
nina says
Oi, you've already left! I'm really behind on my RSS feeds lol. Love the carving by the way. I've just got back from Australia. I would've loved to meet you there :( By the way, visiting Tasmania is a must!
Dave says
Hi Nina - nice to hear from you! I'll be in Oz in a few days, so it does sound like we just missed. I'll keep your suggestion about Tasmania in mind!
Kirsty says
Nice bone.
Have a great New Year! I'm enjoying reading, its bringing back some memories of under down under.
Dave says
Thanks! I'm keeping up with your self-employment - very impressive feat!
Kirsty says
Hey cool, glad you're following. I'm off in January so things should get a bit more interesting from then. Any luck with any of your sites?
Dave says
I've been earning about the same from this domain/blog that I was when I left - slightly more actually! :)
I haven't invested any time in drumming up new business though. Maybe once I make it to Asia and the internet access is cheaper. :twisted:
Kirsty says
Nice bone.
Have a great New Year! I'm enjoying reading, its bringing back some memories of under down under.
Dave says
Thanks! I'm keeping up with your self-employment - very impressive feat!
Kirsty says
Hey cool, glad you're following. I'm off in January so things should get a bit more interesting from then. Any luck with any of your sites?
Dave says
I've been earning about the same from this domain/blog that I was when I left - slightly more actually! :)
I haven't invested any time in drumming up new business though. Maybe once I make it to Asia and the internet access is cheaper. :twisted:
eve says
I really like your blog friend. I like how you write and express through your post... ;)
eve says
I really like your blog friend. I like how you write and express through your post... ;)