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My Pre-Departure Task List

It was 5 years ago this week when I put pen to paper and wrote down my goal to travel around the world.

The exact date was April 19, 2002. This week also marks the 3 month anniversary of my blog.

And while we're on the topic, March 2007 marked the 8th anniversary of my domain name,!

As I reflect over the past 3 months of blogging, I realize I've yet to touch upon the planning aspects of my adventure in a detailed, sustained, or meaningful way.

I love the logistical aspect of travel and have learned quite a bit from others who have gone before me.

Hopefully, some insight into my approach will prove useful to future travelers.

After all, I picked my domain name in 1999 with the desire to encourage every person to “go backpacking.”

So without further ado…Click on the text link if you have Microsoft Excel, or click on the “View” box to see an HTML version (everyone else).

Pre-Departure Task List

Please feel free to comment on what I've included, have yet to mention, or am obviously putting off!

On Wednesday evening, I'm going to kick off my weekly series “Saving for a Trip Around the World” which will feature my rough itinerary, budget, savings goals, and progress toward those goals.

Planning a trip? Go Backpacking recommends:


Wednesday 2nd of May 2007

Really glad I stumbled upon your link. I'm a newly single mom, and planning to take my children (ages 9 and 11) on their first world journey in Spring of 09. We will homeschool on line, and plan to be gone for two years. We've already worked out a lot of the details, but it always helps to see someone else's research. Have a fabulous and life-changing expedition!



Tuesday 17th of April 2007

Very cool, Dave! I have a similar spreadsheet in the works, and I think it's really helpful to share your own planning with other travelers and travel-hopefuls.

Happy anniversary btw!


Tuesday 17th of April 2007

I do love this series - and am excited to see how you're planning your budget/how you'll make it happen. My husband and I have been considering doing a similar trip, and this may very well be the catalyst to get us planning! Well done!


Tuesday 17th of April 2007

Hi chirky -

Welcome aboard! I definetly intend to share all the lessons I've learned during the past few years - mostly financial - in what may appear to be excruciating detail. There are a lot of people who seem to gloss over the financial details leading up to their departure. Perhaps they feel it's in bad taste to share salaries and budgets, or it's a step beyond the kind of personal details they're ready to share.

In the interest of filling that void, I'm going to put it all on the table. I just hope I don't scare anyone away! :)


Tuesday 17th of April 2007

This is terrific. While that not all of these things apply to all travelers, of course, I think it's a great thing to share because it shows the kinds of expenses and actions that get overlooked when a traveler is about to head out into the world. Paying off that dental bill, remembering to give notice on the apartment, etc etc etc.

Thanks for sharing.



Tuesday 17th of April 2007

Looks like you are a lot more organised than I am, good luck with sticking to it, hope you can bleed some more savings out of it.

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