The signs of South Africa reflect two realities coexisting within the country hosting 2010's World Cup: the diversity of wildlife, and the high crime rate.
Updated: | Published: by Dave Lee |
The signs of South Africa reflect two realities coexisting within the country hosting 2010's World Cup: the diversity of wildlife, and the high crime rate.
Dave is the Founder and Editor in Chief of Go Backpacking and Feastio. He's been to 68 countries and lived in Colombia and Peru. Read the full story of how he became a travel blogger.
CamelsAndChocolate says
Great timing, as I'm heading to SA with my mom and sis for 2.5 weeks after Rwanda! I'll have to pick your brain for more must-dos when I see you ;-)
GlobalButterfly says
Haha, I love crazy signs. I have a collection myself from Argentina, China, and Cuba. Gosh, this post made me REALLY miss SA.
Dave says
There is so much to do in South Africa, it all comes down to priorities (like everything in life I guess!).
foggodyssey says
Dude loved this post! The best one was "Riding of Ostriches at Own Risk" as it cracked me up!!! Been compiling a set of photos for a post just like this as sometimes it's just to hard to resist some of the things you see when traveling. Most of the time it's a translation error that makes it so funny but it looks like in South Africa they just like to be blunt and honest.
Look forward to seeing more posts like this!
Dave says
Thanks Troy, glad you liked the photos. South Africans do tend to be direct, whether it's talking about race relations, or the importance of yielding to exotic toads and dung beetles.
Dave says
Thanks Troy, glad you liked the photos. South Africans do tend to be direct, whether it's talking about race relations, or the importance of yielding to exotic toads and dung beetles.