I tried to leave Medellin. I booked a flight to Santa Marta on the coast, but knowing it was fully refundable, canceled it the day before departure. After more than 14 months of travel through 20 countries, I finally felt as though I´d seen enough of the world. Another beach, another village, another mountain, another hostel, another hike, another friend I make and lose within days. At some point, the law of diminishing returns goes into effect.
Colombia, with its rich culture and friendly people, has inspired me to want to stay put, learn a new language for the first time, and try my hand at teaching English in order to earn a living abroad. At the same time, a few searches on Google revealed little in the way of English language blogs or websites about Medellin. And you know what that means...
Introducing Medellin Living!
A few weeks ago, I bought and began to develop MedellinLiving.com. I would like to invite everyone to take a look, and subscribe today (in the upper right corner)!
Developing this new website motivates me to get out of bed in the morning. The design is still very basic, but I am already posting daily updates about what it is like for a foreigner to live and look for work in Medellin, Colombia. Along the way, I hope it will offer unique insight into the city and culture and become a valued resource amongst backpackers and future travelers, regardless of whether they are just passing through, looking to study abroad, learn Spanish, or earn a living teaching English.
What Next For Go Backpacking?
As for this blog, the future's so bright, I gotta where shades! In the days and weeks ahead, I intend to share my experience leaving Medellin for a brief adventure along the coast in Barranquilla during Carnaval, and an impromptu stop in beautiful Cartagena. Then, I will share some final thoughts on Colombia, and write as if I am returning to the United States. Posts will surely take on the sentimental tone of a trip concluded, minus the reverse culture shock.
Over the coming months, I have plenty of people to thank, advice to share, and probably a few interesting stories still left to tell. Expect flashbacks to some of the more exciting and popular posts of the past. And any future travels in or around Colombia will be shared here too.
In addition, I will be upgrading to the most recent version of WordPress, the free internet publishing software used to create this blog. A new look to coincide with the new focus may also be in store. Please excuse any dust while I work on renovations.
Aren't You Out Of Money Yet?
After living the good life for so long, I am low on funds, so my plans are solely contingent upon finding work and a steady income before the end of March. Luckily for Americans in Colombia, the Peso has dropped about 30% against the dollar in the past year. If I end up back in the USA sooner rather than later, I fully intend to continue both blogs. If you want to see whether I can carve out an expat niche abroad, subscribe to Medellin Living by RSS feed or E-mail, and wish me luck!
Bryant Knight says
That's bad ass.
Good luck.
Bryant Knight says
That's bad ass.
Good luck.
Shawn says
Well Dave sounds good, although I must say that everyone travels differently. In the last one year and four months of travel, I traveled 6 countries and spent about half of what you started out with, I find the concept of travel very interesting. Although, I am not totally focused on seeing this or that, but in the culture which forces me to travel slow.
Feel free to follow my blog if you wish.
Nice new web site I will follow along.
Would you like the link on my blog?
Dave says
Of course I´d appreciate a link on your blog if that is what you are asking.
And I know people can travel the same amount of time as me and spend less, but I also know others who are traveling a shorter time in more countries and likely spending more.
Overall, I felt like I took my time. I only felt rushed and tired from moving around on a regular basis when I had time constraints - New Zealand/Australia, and my month in western Europe. Otherwise, 3 weeks in Bali/Lombok, 6 weeks in Nepal, 7 weeks in India, 7 weeks in South Africa, and now at least 8 weeks in Colombia.
Shawn says
Dave, I added your new link to my travel blog, under blogs that I follow.
I know a guy that travels very fast and spent $60,000 in two years. Crazy stuff. But, everyone has different travel styles and interests due to our own personal uniqueness.
I like your interest is staying in Medellin, life sure is about the moment.
Feel free to add my link to your sites if you like what you read.
Shawn says
Well Dave sounds good, although I must say that everyone travels differently. In the last one year and four months of travel, I traveled 6 countries and spent about half of what you started out with, I find the concept of travel very interesting. Although, I am not totally focused on seeing this or that, but in the culture which forces me to travel slow.
Feel free to follow my blog if you wish.
Nice new web site I will follow along.
Would you like the link on my blog?
Dave says
Of course I´d appreciate a link on your blog if that is what you are asking.
And I know people can travel the same amount of time as me and spend less, but I also know others who are traveling a shorter time in more countries and likely spending more.
Overall, I felt like I took my time. I only felt rushed and tired from moving around on a regular basis when I had time constraints - New Zealand/Australia, and my month in western Europe. Otherwise, 3 weeks in Bali/Lombok, 6 weeks in Nepal, 7 weeks in India, 7 weeks in South Africa, and now at least 8 weeks in Colombia.
Shawn says
Dave, I added your new link to my travel blog, under blogs that I follow.
I know a guy that travels very fast and spent $60,000 in two years. Crazy stuff. But, everyone has different travel styles and interests due to our own personal uniqueness.
I like your interest is staying in Medellin, life sure is about the moment.
Feel free to add my link to your sites if you like what you read.
Geoff says
Congratulations on making the decision to stay put in Medellin, it sounds like an awesome place. I've really enjoyed reading your blog over the year of travelling the world, it's been a real inspiration for my forthcoming trip (only three weeks to go now til my year starts) and now I'm looking forward to reading about adjusting to life in a new country. I'll be in Colombia in July, may have to stop by in Medellin to see how you're getting on
Dave says
Thanks Geoff, and I certainly hope to still be here by the time you pass through!
Geoff says
Congratulations on making the decision to stay put in Medellin, it sounds like an awesome place. I've really enjoyed reading your blog over the year of travelling the world, it's been a real inspiration for my forthcoming trip (only three weeks to go now til my year starts) and now I'm looking forward to reading about adjusting to life in a new country. I'll be in Colombia in July, may have to stop by in Medellin to see how you're getting on
Dave says
Thanks Geoff, and I certainly hope to still be here by the time you pass through!
Dan says
Sounds like an awesome plan. Vicki and I look forward to reading about your life in Colombia! Best of luck!
Dave says
Thanks for the continued support! :)
Dan says
Sounds like an awesome plan. Vicki and I look forward to reading about your life in Colombia! Best of luck!
Dave says
Thanks for the continued support! :)
Kristen says
Yup, agreed. Sounds great and good luck. Look forward to reading some more! :grin:
Kristen says
Yup, agreed. Sounds great and good luck. Look forward to reading some more! :grin:
Jeff says
Dave! We left Medellin a few weeks ago and passed through Salvador and Rio de Janeiro. Now are right by the Iguazu Falls, on the Argentina side.
It is awesome to hear that you decided to stay in Medellin! What an excellent place to stay. When I come back I hope to find you in the form of a Salsa & Spanish king. Best of luck.
Dave says
Hey Jeff, good to hear from you! Keep on truckin' and I expect great photos from Brazil's Carnaval!
Jami says
You're an inspiration, man! Added your new site to my RSS reader. :)
Dave says
Jami - thanks for your support with my latest endeavor!!
Jami says
You're an inspiration, man! Added your new site to my RSS reader. :)
Dave says
Jami - thanks for your support with my latest endeavor!!
Mike says
I too added your new site to my RSS Reader and will be looking forward to reading future blogs. Congratulations on how far you have traveled!
Dave says
Thanks Mike, time to let the reflections begin!
Magnifique says
I've been following your blog for about a year and I am relieved to hear that you are not coming back to DC, even though I don't even know you! Things are bad here, although our unemployment rate is supposedly better than that in New York. The media keeps up the steady daily drumbeat of bad news, NO ONE is hiring, nor is anyone investing in the stock market, lending or buying things. The overall lack of confidence is really depressing. After a trip like you've had, coming back to DC or NY would be a major downer, I think.
Starting a new business and living in a new place that you love has got to be so exciting! I can't wait to take a trip like yours, but unfortunately I have to stay in the US until all my cancer-follow up care is completed. (Somehow, I don't think traveler's health insurance covers PET/CT scans.) I'm two years into the five years required and saving like crazy. I wish you lots of luck in your new venture!
Dave says
Hi and thanks for reminding me of why now is the right time to experience living in another country! Every time I check CNN, the news seems depressing, and I know if I´m back in the USA, I´d be watching it daily like I use to. At the least, I am excited to have Obama as our president during these times.
It is awesome to hear you are saving for a long term trip! I wish you all the luck in the world. It will be worth it.
I appreciate your support over the last year. :)
Magnifique says
I've been following your blog for about a year and I am relieved to hear that you are not coming back to DC, even though I don't even know you! Things are bad here, although our unemployment rate is supposedly better than that in New York. The media keeps up the steady daily drumbeat of bad news, NO ONE is hiring, nor is anyone investing in the stock market, lending or buying things. The overall lack of confidence is really depressing. After a trip like you've had, coming back to DC or NY would be a major downer, I think.
Starting a new business and living in a new place that you love has got to be so exciting! I can't wait to take a trip like yours, but unfortunately I have to stay in the US until all my cancer-follow up care is completed. (Somehow, I don't think traveler's health insurance covers PET/CT scans.) I'm two years into the five years required and saving like crazy. I wish you lots of luck in your new venture!
Dave says
Hi and thanks for reminding me of why now is the right time to experience living in another country! Every time I check CNN, the news seems depressing, and I know if I´m back in the USA, I´d be watching it daily like I use to. At the least, I am excited to have Obama as our president during these times.
It is awesome to hear you are saving for a long term trip! I wish you all the luck in the world. It will be worth it.
I appreciate your support over the last year. :)
Jeff says
Dave! We left Medellin a few weeks ago and passed through Salvador and Rio de Janeiro. Now are right by the Iguazu Falls, on the Argentina side.
It is awesome to hear that you decided to stay in Medellin! What an excellent place to stay. When I come back I hope to find you in the form of a Salsa & Spanish king. Best of luck.
Dave says
Hey Jeff, good to hear from you! Keep on truckin' and I expect great photos from Brazil's Carnaval!
Dave says
Hey Jeff, good to hear from you! Keep on truckin' and I expect great photos from Brazil's Carnaval!
Jennifer says
Good on you Dave for deciding to stay in Columbia. I have never met you and somehow stumbled upon this blog in some random internet search and this is the first time I have commented on your blog, but have been reading it via RSS, in preparation for a potential rtw journey if I get laid off, you are such an inspirations and if I ever make it to Columbia I will look you up. Look forward to hearing about your new life in Columbia. Jennifer
Dave says
Jennifer - thanks for leaving a comment....I know people are out there reading but it is always nice to hear from them too!
My first job layoff back in 2002 gave me the time to reflect and decide to make my next job a means to travel the world. Amazingly, it all worked out as planned!
Jennifer says
Good on you Dave for deciding to stay in Columbia. I have never met you and somehow stumbled upon this blog in some random internet search and this is the first time I have commented on your blog, but have been reading it via RSS, in preparation for a potential rtw journey if I get laid off, you are such an inspirations and if I ever make it to Columbia I will look you up. Look forward to hearing about your new life in Columbia. Jennifer
Dave says
Jennifer - thanks for leaving a comment....I know people are out there reading but it is always nice to hear from them too!
My first job layoff back in 2002 gave me the time to reflect and decide to make my next job a means to travel the world. Amazingly, it all worked out as planned!
Mike says
I too added your new site to my RSS Reader and will be looking forward to reading future blogs. Congratulations on how far you have traveled!
Dave says
Thanks Mike, time to let the reflections begin!
Liz says
Good luck on your latest adventure Dave.
We're 13 days away from our departure. Currently we're not stopping in on Colombia but you never know..
Liz says
Good luck on your latest adventure Dave.
We're 13 days away from our departure. Currently we're not stopping in on Colombia but you never know..
G says
Good luck to you out there. I've been following along for some time now and i think you are making a good choice by prolonging your return.
I taught english abroad in Taiwan so if you are ever looking to head out that way to teach i could point you in the right direction..
I look forward to following your other blog now while i sit in cube hell dreaming about my next undefined travel adventure. Wish i was out on the road right now but the time isnt quite right yet for me...
G says
Good luck to you out there. I've been following along for some time now and i think you are making a good choice by prolonging your return.
I taught english abroad in Taiwan so if you are ever looking to head out that way to teach i could point you in the right direction..
I look forward to following your other blog now while i sit in cube hell dreaming about my next undefined travel adventure. Wish i was out on the road right now but the time isnt quite right yet for me...
crambox says
:cry: I thought you might stay abroad glad to hear you found a spot so close to the US :lol: will stay tuned to the new site glad you chose to keep writing it suits you keep it up stay safe..
crambox says
:cry: I thought you might stay abroad glad to hear you found a spot so close to the US :lol: will stay tuned to the new site glad you chose to keep writing it suits you keep it up stay safe..