To store, or not to store, that is the question!
Last Summer I drew up a rough list of how I would handle my material possessions before embarking upon my trip around the world.
I was pretty proud of myself for putting my Sony TV in the sell column, however I figured I'd simply store clothes, select books, snowboard gear, art, kitchen stuff, and the few pieces of furniture I owned, including: my queen size bed, kitchen table (w/4 chairs), and leather love seat.
The price on 5'x10' storage spaces seemed to fit my budget - about $100/month (climate controlled).
Then this past Friday night, while drinking a delicious Sam Adams Boysenberry Wheat Ale, I took a measuring tape to one corner of my studio apartment and measured out a 50 sq. foot space.
My bed alone took up 30 sq. feet! Good grief I thought.
I could either increase the amount of money I'd be paying to save my stuff, thereby reducing my travel funds, or I could get rid of the few big ticket items I owned.
Perhaps that way, I could even downgrade to a 5'x5' storage space, at about $60/month.
The next day, after donating some stuff, I stopped by an Extra Space storage facility about 15 minutes from my apartment.
Handrick, the rep there, was super friendly without being pushy.
First, he showed me the 50 sq. foot space (400 cubic feet).
It was conceivable I could fit my bed, on it's end, in there, with the rest of the stuff I mentioned above, however it would be tight, and I know it's not ideal to store a bed on it's end due to gravity's effect on the springs (so I hear at least).
More than the tight squeeze with regard to space, it was the cost which increasingly irked me.
After all, my ultimate goal is to be away with a complete sense of freedom, and paying so much for storage was sure to weigh on me eventually.
The 25 sq. foot space (200 cubic feet) would definitely not allow me to include furniture. It would have to be straight boxes floor to ceiling.
As I stood in the cool, small enclosure, it became clear my priority was to save money versus holding onto stuff. So, I revised my sell vs. storage list, to reflect my new decision to sell my bed and table set (via Craig's List as suggested on the BootsnAll message boards), and hopefully find a friend to take care of my leather love seat.
Unfortunately, my parents' home is not an option as they will likely be moving while I'm gone, and I wouldn't feel right asking them to assume the responsibility, though I'll reserve the right should all else fail!
Rcon Pascua says
I had the same dilemma before. I thought I lack storage room for my stuff then after telling this to my mom, she said I just keep too many things, even the ones I don't really need. I think she's right. Anyway, happy mother's day to your mom! :)
Stu says
Id box up some clothes, and probably try and get rid of the bed/furniture etc. stick your box of clothes in your folks place.
only keep what you really need (some clothes, some books etc). furniture, beds, etc can be replaced.
this is going to be a life changing event, so dont try and hang onto your old life.
and clothes, wise, if you have suits, good shirts, ties, keep them, ditch all else. heck, target, old navy sell stuff so cheap is not worth keeping things like tshirts, socks, jeans etc. (i picked up a great pair of work khakis for $5 at target).
id get rid of everything unless you really really really super need it.
yes it will mean starting again when you get home, but when you get home you may have decided to move to patagonia or something.
Things change, dont try and hang onto the past too much.
Stu says
Id box up some clothes, and probably try and get rid of the bed/furniture etc. stick your box of clothes in your folks place.
only keep what you really need (some clothes, some books etc). furniture, beds, etc can be replaced.
this is going to be a life changing event, so dont try and hang onto your old life.
and clothes, wise, if you have suits, good shirts, ties, keep them, ditch all else. heck, target, old navy sell stuff so cheap is not worth keeping things like tshirts, socks, jeans etc. (i picked up a great pair of work khakis for $5 at target).
id get rid of everything unless you really really really super need it.
yes it will mean starting again when you get home, but when you get home you may have decided to move to patagonia or something.
Things change, dont try and hang onto the past too much.
Dave says
Stu - Great advice, and certainly comments I'll refer back to during the next few months.
I figured if I started making a list early, it'd be easier ot let go of things as my departure grew nearer. Still, despite my weekend ephiphany, I feel the need to hold onto enough stuff that will warrant a storage space. Coming to terms with the need to minimize that cost though, was a good step forward.
Moun says
I was wondering what you did with your appartement while you were away. Did you rent it out or did u save money to cover the rent costs while you were gone? I'm planning on getting out of here (Holland) for a year and renting out my appartement fully furnished. The couple of boxes with personal belongings I will try to store with family/ this something you considered doing?
Dave says
No, I was leasing my apartment, and I just let it expire so I could travel without having to worry about making arrangements. I never bought property in the US --- I decided to save my money for a big RTW trip instead.
Moun says
Tnx for the fast reply! Here in Amsterdam its almost impossible to find a reasonable rental/lease apartement, soo buying is the smartest thing to do if you have a stable job. We're not ready to sell yet cause it wouldnt be profitable, soo we have some arrangements to make before we leave. Just hope it wont cause us any headaches while we're gone...But one things for sure, we're not gonna lett it stop us from getting away :)