34 hours.1 taxi.1 share jeep.1 overnight train.1 bus ride.3 autorickshaws.1 bicycle rickshaw.
In 20 months abroad, my longest continuous period of travel was the trip from Gangtok, Sikkim to Bodhgaya.
We passed a young woman in a bright, flowing silk sari talking to a man and my mind couldn't reconcile how such a beautiful woman could coexist with the filthy streets.
It was not easy, however the payoff was the opportunity to sit and meditate in the same place as Buddha when he attained enlightenment. Powerful stuff.
Looking back at these posts, I believe they capture some of the most fascinating moments of my backpacking trip around the world. Chai tea on the train. Uncomfortable bus rides. Public urination. Sleeping on the property of a Tibetan Monastery. And even a Bollywood movie being filmed.
Pilgrimage to Bodhgaya (includes my first train ride in India)
Jennifer @ ApproachGuides says
Hi Dave,
Your post made me laugh...I too remember (not necessarily fondly) the journey to Bodhgaya; however, sitting and meditating underneath the Bodhi tree made the trek worth it. Thanks for the flashback!
Dave says
Hi Jennifer, glad you could get a laugh from me! I would've broken up the trip to Bodhgaya if there were anything touristy to do in between, but my trusty Lonely Planet said no such luck.
Dave says
Hi Jennifer, glad you could get a laugh from me! I would've broken up the trip to Bodhgaya if there were anything touristy to do in between, but my trusty Lonely Planet said no such luck.