The weather continued to be absolutely gorgeous. The day before the big event was the last day of a beach soccer tournament that I watched very little of.
Instead, I opted to use my time more wisely, such as getting a foot massage. As you can see in the above photo, I had some company. The little guy jumped on my lap and made himself comfortable the whole time. When it came time for me to leave, I lateraled him to the girl next to me so he could continue to live the life of luxury as a spa dog.
As sundown arrived, the club/bar/bucket vendor lights turned on. Trance began to boom from the Zoom club like clockwork. I ran into Maura and Laura on the beach and hung out with them for a bit at the Drop In bar. They had befriended a spunky Thai woman from Chiang Mai, a former sex worker, who was here on vacation. She was bisexual and a pretty blonde Swedish girl we had all just met started making out with her in front of me. The funny thing is I think she asked permission from a guy (possibly a boyfriend) also standing nearby.
The music at Drop In sucked. Remixes of modern pop hits is not for me, so I left Maura and Laura, and stumbled all over, dancing to trance and drum and bass. Every now and then, the sky would light up with fireworks and traditional Thai lanterns.
A girl stopped me at one point, wanting to paint a heart on my forehead. I allowed it, but then visions of embarrassing artwork entered my mind (like a lot of what I saw painted on guys' backs). I approached a guy to find out what was there, and he looked mortified, so I didn't get answer from him. I assumed the worst and used some tissue to wipe the paint.
I stopped back at my bungalow to fully wash it off.
I don't know how I managed to stay awake, but I had a cheeseburger at 5am while watching Friends. I returned to my bungalow at sunrise to get my camera and snap a few photos. If I was spending a week on “Sunrise Beach” I couldn't justify leaving without at least one shot of the sun coming up.
All in all, not a bad way to warm up for one last night of partying (at least on this beach)!
Dave is the Founder and Editor in Chief of Go Backpacking and Feastio. He’s been to 66 countries and lived in Colombia and Peru. Read the full story of how he became a travel blogger.
Planning a trip? Go Backpacking recommends:
- G Adventures for small group tours.
- Hostelworld for booking hostels.
Thursday 8th of October 2009
Thanks - the Full Moon Party (and Koh Phangan) was a lot of fun!
jacki baxter
Thursday 8th of October 2009
Your 5am shot is absolutely glorious. I have to go there. My goal now by the end of 6 months... thanks for the pot of gold.
Thursday 8th of October 2009
Thanks - the Full Moon Party (and Koh Phangan) was a lot of fun!
jacki baxter
Thursday 8th of October 2009
Your 5am shot is absolutely glorious. I have to go there. My goal now by the end of 6 months... thanks for the pot of gold.
Kango Suz
Tuesday 5th of August 2008
You always seem to find a party and the most unusual experiences even without 'official' parties! The neon paint on your arm is cool.... would love to see it in glow lights.