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Friday Flashback: Travel Events in Washington, DC

Bruce, founder of GAP Adventures, stops by a DC Travel happy hour.

Bruce, founder of GAP Adventures, stops by a DC Travel happy hour.

In addition to spending a lot of time networking in New York City, I also looked for opportunities to meet people closer to home.

Aside from attending events at National Geographic headquarters, and happy hours hosted by other bloggers, I began to co-host my own series of happy hours.

It was a fun, relaxed way to bring together local travel writers, bloggers, and enthusiasts.

Along the way, I became especially good friends with my co-organizer (and future RTW'er), Stephanie from Twenty-Something Travel.

Here are some of my favorite 2009 travel events in Washington, DC:

Planning a trip? Go Backpacking recommends:


Saturday 2nd of October 2010

For some reason I didn't see this til now, but it made me go AWW. Miss you and miss those happy hours already!


Sunday 3rd of October 2010

Hola Steph -- it's great to see you sending updates from the road! Enjoy every moment!

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