The Greek Islands have been luring travelers since Ulysses made his meandering way home to Ithaca from Troy. The beauty of the Aegean Sea, "wine-dark" in the greater depths but translucent turquoise in shallow waters along the shore, combined with the whitewashed buildings that glow in the fantastic Mediterranean sunlight, creates an unforgettable sight.
But the traveler's first questions are how to choose among the islands and how to get there. Each of Greece's approximately 100 habitable islands will show you a different personality. If you only have time for a day trip to the Greek Islands, try the tiny Saronic islands near Athens.
Have you got a little longer? Consider sailing in the Saronic Gulf to explore the beautiful islands of Poros, Spetses, and Hydra. Booking a Saronic yacht charter is a relaxing and stylish option. The largest island, Crete, and the capital, Heraklion, take the longest to get to but are well worth the trip.

At the northern end of the central Cyclades island group, Mykonos has resorts, crowds, nightlife, beautiful villages, and the archaeological site of Delos.
The famous Santorini is at the south end of the island group, nearer Crete. Its dramatic volcano shell, with whitewashed villages clinging to the black and red lava cliffs, represents Greece in many travel books and articles.
Sailing into the caldera of Santorini ranks as the most breathtaking moment I have experienced in the Greek Islands. If you go, fly out if you must, but take the ferry during the day to arrive.
Greek ferries range from rusty old tubs (fewer these days, thankfully) to sleek jetboats. The jet boats and hydrofoils get you there fast but don't cope well with high winds and waves, so the weather may stop them before the slow ferries.
If you're uncertain about where to go and what to explore, you can delve into Greece tours that provide curated experiences. These tours often highlight the best of what the country offers, making it easier for travelers to enjoy their journey without the guesswork.
Table of Contents
Greek Islands Travel Advice
1. Ferry Reservations
Although you can reserve online, I recommend you don't. Instead, wait until you get to Athens and go to one of the multitudes of tourist agencies around Syntagma Square or near the port at Piraeus.
You cannot guarantee that the schedule you saw online will be the one on the day you sail. Schedules for the Greek Islands are set weekly. While they probably will go on the same hours they did last week, month, or year, there is no guarantee. Don't worry; they are not going to run out of tickets.
2. Ferry Schedule
The Greek National Tourism Office puts out a weekly ferry schedule. If you can find their office, pick up a copy because if the line the travel agent represents does not sail today, they will not tell you about another line that does go today.
3. Booking Accommodation
Because of the whimsical nature of ferry schedules, it is best not to guarantee room rental. Unless you go to the islands in July or August, which is a terrible idea as it's the peak tourism season and, therefore, more expensive, you will not need a reservation in advance.
4. Ferry Reliability
NEVER count on a ferry, even a high-speed one, to get you back to Athens on the same day you fly home. Give yourself a day or even two in Athens before your departure.
5. Avoiding Crowds
If you yearn for less-visited Greek Islands, remember that the fewer visitors, the smaller the population, and the less frequent the ferries are.
6. Embrace the Culture
Think of all this uncertainty about schedules as your crash course in Greek culture, and instead of getting uptight about it, shrug and say, "Endaxi." (Okay.)
Photographs by Vera Marie Badertscher. All rights reserved.
Stephanie says
Oooo... great tips and beautiful pictures. I'm dying to go!
heidiahrens says
I can't wait that my children are a bit older so that I can go explore places like this. Thank you for the tips. I keep a folder of destinations that would be possible in the future, that is, if I ever have enough money.
Do you have some great tips for trips with Refugio's in Spain or France or Italie
Dave says
Me too....I skipped Greece in '98 so I could spend a few weeks in Ireland, and I've yet to make it back!
Hampers says
Thanks for sharing the 6 Tips for Reaching the Greek Islands. it was nice going through it. Greek Island became my dream destination.
pen4hire says
I think it is obvious that I love Greece, and think traveling by ferry around the islands, if challenging, is a great way to learn about the real Greece. However, one more tip for backpackers. Please don't take one seat for yourself and one for your pack. The locals will not like you.
Also, anyone planning a trip to Greece might want to look at the Peloponnese before heading for the islands. Great variety (beaches, mountains, etc.), important sites, easy travel.
Lily Tanady says
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Dave says
Thanks again for sharing Vera. I have to admit I sometimes plunk my backpack into a spare seat! We backpackers tend to be security conscious, though you make a good point about ruffling the feathers of locals.
mathew8487 says
Very informative post. The Greek Island of Angistri located in the Saronic Gulf. It is a unique place to visit. Island of Poros is very famous.Check out the architectural beauty of Hydra island. You can't find a single vehicle on this island, you can find donkey's plying all major transportation.
nat says
great tips! Especially tip four, I've seen many people missing their flights, because the weather stops or slows the ferries!
Oneida Bevens says
Sometimes I just think that people write and dont really have much to say. Not so here