As the year draws to an end, the sun graces us less and less with its presence. The end of daylight savings tends to trigger seasonal affective disorder, otherwise known by the apt acronym of "SAD."
As the world darkens around us, SAD is a genuine threat that will affect scores of people across the Northern Hemisphere during the winter months in varying degrees of intensity.

For some, it leads to a debilitating depression that brings a need to seek professional help. For those unable to attend in-person sessions, online therapy with insurance coverage has become an accessible way to get professional help during these challenging months.
Others are affected in a much milder manner, left feeling listless, grumpy, and lacking energy. It's not nearly as bad, but it's upsetting nonetheless.
This disorder is triggered by a lack of sunlight in winter, which affects melatonin and serotonin levels in people's systems. These hormones control the part of our brain that presides over our appetite, mood, and sleep, otherwise known as our circadian rhythms.
Coming from a country that boasts around ten hours of daylight in the middle of winter, I was shocked by how much the lack of sunlight affected my system. I struggled to get out of bed every morning, didn't want to eat, and was generally quite down.
As this experience was new to me, I didn't know how to combat the symptoms of my "winter blues." Consequently, those few dark months were a struggle. However - we live, we learn. No winter blues for me this season. This is how I will fight it off.
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Tips for Managing Seasonal Affective Disorder
1. Take Advantage of What Daylight You Do Have
One of the most obvious solutions could also be the most effective: get out in the daylight for a full 20 minutes. If you work throughout the day, take a break while it's still light and have lunch outside to help counter seasonal affective disorder.
Alternatively, go for a walk. Don't spend your days off mulling about the house - do all that is humanely possible to soak up as much Vitamin D as you can when you can.
2. Exercise and Eat Well
You would think that exercise is another no-brainer. Yet, I neglected to make it a priority last winter, and I know it had a massive impact on my general well-being.
Winter's the perfect time to execute an exercise plan as you hide your body in layers of clothes. Download an exercise app for home workouts or join a gym. If you time it right, you'll emerge from your cocoon of sweaters, coats, and scarves in six months as a beautiful, toned butterfly.
3. Write Down How You're Feeling
This has always worked well for me when I'm feeling down. If I can't verbalize my emotions, I write about them. I filled out a whole journal last winter, although I'm not entirely sure whether I should consider this an achievement! Regardless, it's cathartic, and I always feel much better after doing it.
4. Use a Dawn Simulating Alarm Clock
I haven't tried this, but I heard fantastic things from others. These alarm clocks wake you with a gradually brightening 30-minute "sunrise." It's supposed to regulate your sleep cycle, with you getting out of bed feeling refreshed. They feature a 30-minute "sunset" that works oppositely - lulling you to sleep.
Those with more severe SAD symptoms can use these on top of a lightbox, a clinically proven treatment for the disorder.
5. Go on an Adventure
The prospect of travel always boosts my spirits. Ideally, you'd want to go somewhere warm. If this option isn't available, take a few days off to explore a nearby state, country, or even your backyard.
Is there something you've always wanted to see or do in your city? Now is the time to do it. Sling a backpack over your shoulder, get out there, and immerse yourself in the world.
See also: Reasons To Visit Australia in Winter
6. Look for the Joy in the Winter Season
Weather aside, there are a lot of positives to winter in the Northern Hemisphere. Cozy nights in with a good book, a thick blanket, and a steaming mug of hot chocolate. Glühwein (mulled wine) or hot cider in a pub or by an outdoor fire.
Winter clothes are so much preferable to any summer wardrobe. Imagine tromping around your house in big slippers (or Ugg boots, if you're an Aussie like me), flannelette pajamas, and the fluffiest dressing gowns.
Watching The Holiday and Bridget Jones's Diary on repeat. Snow, if you're lucky enough to live in an area where this happens. Christmas!
People tend to whine and moan about winter, but it's a special season. If winter truly isn't your thing - at the very least, it is only three months of the year. The days will get longer before you know it, daylight savings will return, and soon enough, another summer will be just around the corner.
Get Jaunty says
Good advice. I always like to do 'winter things' and make the most of it, wrapping up warm for scenic walks etc. If you're into Christmas, I find that's a good way to see the positive side!
LC Haughey says
There is something magical about a wintertime Christmas, although I would nearly always rather spend the day at the beach! ;)
Kirsty says
Intrigued by the dawn clock, hopefully it'll help my teething daughter sleep too! I used to suffer from really bad SAD, you're absolutely spot on about the Vitamin D and the Lightbox as they really helped me.
I wasn't always able to get adequate sunlight during the winter months as I worked night shifts (Shelf stacking at Tesco, Rock & Roll...) so they were essential!
Don't make the mistake I made though and try to pack in Vitamin D by eating fish every dinnertime. That my friend will lead to mercury poisoning, not nice... unless of course you like the feeling of going completely bonkers crazy, who doesn't on occasion eh? Jokes aside, a good Vitamin D supplement felt heaven sent after that debacle!
LC Haughey says
I am intrigued by it as well. A friend said they were purchasing one the other day and I'm looking forward to finding out how she goes with it.
At least mid-winter is behind us now and there's light at the end of the tunnel (pun fully intended). It'll be spring before we know it!