You’ve been dreaming about your big round-the-world adventure for years. Finally, it’s a reality. You’ve seen some of the most magical places on the planet, experienced beautiful cultural festivals, and basked in stunning sunsets. Sounds perfect, right?

Okay, in reality, you’ve probably partied nonstop from sunup to sundown with all your new hostel best friends and have munched on cheap but delicious street food for the past two months. It’s beginning to feel a bit like college.
You’ve heard the term “freshmen 15.” Or perhaps you even gained the typical weight as a first-year student in college. It happens to the best of us. It’s also common to gain weight while traveling. Suddenly, you are plucked from your everyday routine of going to the gym, working, and then eating dinner at home.
On the road, you sleep in noisy hostels, eat street food or hostel-cooked pasta, and drink a lot of beer. While eating street food and drinking beer in moderation is fine, doing it regularly can turn that 6-pack into a mini-keg in no time.
Staying fit and healthy on the road is just as important as staying fit and healthy at home. When you begin to become unhealthy and unfit on the road, not only will you have to buy new pants, but your immune system can start to weaken, making you more susceptible to illness. And I can guarantee no one wants to be sick during Thailand’s Full Moon Party.
Table of Contents
1. Sleep
Sleep is one of the most important things you can do for your body. Healthcare providers recommend between seven and nine hours of sleep per night. How often can you get that at a hostel? Not much.
Sleep is integral to keeping you healthy, as it is when your body heals, and memories are stored in your brain. If you’re struggling with sleep, consider staying in a private room for a night or two to catch up on sleep or take a nap during the day when all your roommates are at the beach.
2. Eat your fruits and vegetables
Street food is delicious, and I always encourage people to try local food. However, we live in a world where fried food is prevalent.
It’s okay to eat it in moderation. But if your diet consists of fried food and bread, then the pounds are going to pack on, and you are more at risk for developing diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure, and cardiovascular disease.
Fruits and vegetables are full of healthy vitamins and minerals essential for normal body functions like sleep.
Sometimes, healthy food can be hard to find, but scout out local markets and vendors offering veggie options. Trust me; you’ll find those leafy greens and colorful fruits and vegetables. Buy some, bring them back to your hostel, and eat them. Wash them thoroughly, as food poisoning is no joke!
If you find it challenging to eat enough fruits and vegetables, especially while on the go, consider adding the best fruit and veggie vitamins to ensure you're getting those essential nutrients.
3. Walk More
Do you have all the time in the world? Walk everywhere! In some countries, transportation only costs pennies; however, walking is still free. Walking is always my prime mode of transportation wherever I go unless it’s unsafe or I’m in a hurry.
Studies have shown that walking at a moderate pace for at least 30 minutes daily can help maintain a healthy body weight and reduce the risk of heart disease, blood sugar levels, and osteoporosis. If that doesn’t sell it, it’s also a great way to get rid of a hangover!
4. Exercise
Very few hostels offer gyms or exercise equipment. Don’t let that stop you from exercising. If you’re staying somewhere for a while, sign up for a gym membership or take classes at the local yoga or Muay Thai studios. Many gyms and studios offer a drop-in rate for visitors passing through on short stays.
However, you don’t need a gym. Hit the hiking trails, swim laps in the ocean, or create a circuit of bodyweight exercises like push-ups, burpees, lunges, and planks. You don’t need much space and equipment for a good workout. Quit making excuses and lace up those running shoes!
5. Drink less alcohol
I know, I know. Say it isn’t so! Alcohol is a significant contributor to weight gain. Those cheap beers at the beach are just too good to pass up. However, your waistline and body will thank you later.
Your body can’t store alcohol, so it burns it right away. This means that the fatty burgers and fries you just devoured with it won’t get processed as efficiently as they would without the alcohol. Over time, your body’s metabolism slows down, and you gain weight. Hello, freshmen 15!
It’s okay to let loose occasionally and have a night you don’t remember all too well, but every night of the week is not OK. Learn what it means to drink in moderation. Moderation for a man is about two drinks per day and one drink for a woman (totally not fair, by the way!). If you like pictures, check out this awesome infographic on Lifehacker.
It’s time to push all those excuses aside and get fit and healthy on the road. With a few simple fixes, you’ll be back to that 6-pack in no time (and no, I’m not talking about that six-pack of Chang beer)!
Claire says
Thanks for the tips! We particularly relate to the one about sleep. It is really important for us as we are constantly on the road and we have many activities going on (planning, packing, traveling, visiting, blogging, networking). Lack of sleep is our primary cause of getting sick on the road.
Interesting enough we just posted a similar article on our blog as our journey is about eating around the globe. Many times we get ask "how do you stay fit?" see our answer here:
Katelyn Michaud says
Me too! I spend about 10 days in Greece in May with 7 of those on a yacht partying with very little sleep. I probably averaged about 4 hours each night and I'm not much of a drinker either. I was hurting pretty bad the last day. It was definitely a lesson in the importance of sleep. Thankfully I didn't get sick.