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7 Tips for Traveling with a Medical Condition


Traveling with a medical condition can be stressful, but it’s entirely possible to travel safely by taking the necessary precautions and packing the appropriate medication.

Below, we’ve rounded up seven tips for travelers with medical conditions.

1. Overpack medication

Travel can be unpredictable. Delayed trains and canceled flights can cause chaos to your travel plans, so packing more medication than you need will help you if you run into difficulty.

If you don’t speak the local lingo or you’re away from a pharmacy during your travels, it’s even more essential to pack more than you’ll need – and consider splitting up your medication in different bags and locations if you’re prone to losing things.

Many travel experts recommend carrying medication in your carry-on bag in its original container. This way, if anything happens to your luggage, you won’t be at risk.

2. Carry your medical information

Keeping your basic medical information on your person can keep you safe in an emergency.

Smartphones like the iPhone feature a medical card to input information about your allergies and current illnesses. Still, the job is just as effective with a printed card or medical alert bracelet.

3. Define your condition in your travel insurance

There’s little point in taking out basic travel insurance if it doesn’t cover your medical condition, so make sure that you state it clearly when submitting your travel insurance application.

Although pre-existing condition insurance may be more expensive, it’s essential.

4. Research your vacation

Not all vacations are created equally. Whether you book a package deal to Spain or you splash out on a luxury river cruising holiday, it’s essential that you research.

Find out whether your airline or cruising operator is wheelchair and disability-friendly, and make sure that you state your conditions, allergies, and other requirements when booking your holiday.

5. Find out your medical care

Once you’ve booked your holiday, you should take the opportunity to look at medical care providers in your chosen destination.

Consider contacting your travel insurance provider’s team to find local medical care information, and keep their details on your phone so that you can get in touch in the case of an emergency.

6. Don’t overdo it

While holidays can be an exciting time for the whole family, you should make sure that you do not overexert yourself or cause yourself harm.

Whether this means hiring a wheelchair, avoiding the swimming pool, or double-checking ingredients before eating out, remember to stay sensible on your travels.

The last thing you want to do is end up in the hospital!

7. Take somebody with you

With new research suggesting that 15% of us choose to travel alone, it may be tempting to consider a getaway without any ties.

However, if your medical condition requires you to have assistance, or you’re not confident that you’ll be able to manage symptoms on your own, you should consider taking a travel partner with you to ease the burden.

There you have it – seven top tips to follow if you’re traveling with a medical condition. Remember to stay safe, plan and enjoy your time away from home.


This story was brought to you in partnership with Imagine Cruising.

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