In a clear sign the American economy is improving, my parents found a buyer for their house.
It is a moment I've been contemplating since before I'd left for my trip around the world in late 2007.
What would I do if the option of living with them was suddenly off the table?
As much as they wanted to see me get another office job, I stubbornly stuck to a very narrow set of criteria (editorial work for travel websites, based in NYC or Washington, DC).
After five and a half years of planning my great escape from the corporate world, and another 20 months of traveling and living abroad, the prospect of going back to cubicles, three weeks of vacation per year, office politics, and waking up before 9 am seems ludicrous.
If you're thinking "just grow up and get a job," I understand.
I've been living an unconventional life for several years, and it'd be natural to suggest it's just a phase or needs to come to a tidy conclusion.
But, this is where my stubbornness (or naivete) comes into play.
I believe I've reached the tipping point where I can support myself through a personal passion -- travel blogging.
The only caveat is that I'm not yet able to do so while living in a major US city such as NYC or DC.
And maybe that's a good thing, as it gives me the perfect opportunity to return to Colombia for the remainder of 2010.
The change in scenery will be bittersweet.
As much as I didn't want to leave Medellin behind last year, I've since settled into daily routines, developed a yoga practice, made new friends, caught up with old ones, and been able to go on dates without an English-Spanish dictionary.
I will especially miss going out every weekend to my favorite club, The Salsa Room.
After the TBEX (travel blogger) conference from June 26-27 in New York City, I'll board a flight to Cartagena.
For the first few weeks of July, I'll be soaking up the sun on the tropical beaches of Colombia's Caribbean coast.
Then, I'll head back to the mountains of Medellin to further grow Go Backpacking, Medellin Living, and Travel Blog Success.
My 138-page, all-original Medellín Travel Guide is now available for Kindle and PDF.
kirstynoplacetobe says
Sounds good to me, I think this is much much much much MUCH (not sure how many I should put) better than rejoining the rat race. Your websites are all really good and I think these are much better way to fill your time!
Dave says
Thanks guys - it means a lot to hear your feedback!
driftingfocus says
Congrats! I know what you mean about being able to support yourself, but not in a major US city. I'm at that point myself with freelancing, and it drives me nuts. If I were living in Argentina or Vietnam or Nepal, I'd be doing fine, but sadly, I am currently stuck in one of the most expensive cities in the US. At least Marc's job provides easy transfers, and we're hoping to move somewhere cheaper so that I can afford to take extended breaks to work abroad.
Dave says
Kesley - I think the ability for Americans to live well abroad is one of the biggest secrets! Since a lot of Americans haven't traveled abroad extensively, they think the world revolves around the USA. I feel myself slipping into old habits, specifically wasting time watching TV, which is like the canary in the coal mine for me that it's time to step out of my comfort zone again.
Hope you get your chance sooner rather than later.
travelingsavage says
I think that makes sense. I can't imagine having to go back to the office after the amount of time you've been away. Besides, if you did that, it's highly likely you would despise it. Good for you for making a bold move!
Stephanie says
There seems to be this misconception that travel is something you can just "get out of your system." Really it's more like a raging addiction you have to keep feeding. While we're going to miss you at out #dctravel meet ups (and I'm going to miss all the free advice!), I definitely think you are doing the right thing. If nothing else it should be an adventure!
Dave says
"raging addiction" sums it up well. This will be the first time I've gone back to a place for a second extended time. Should be interesting. I keep wondering if it really is as awesome as I've told myself the last 10 months. I'm pretty sure it is, but I won't know for sure until I'm back there in person.
The cool part about this move is that I'll be doing the exact same thing I'm doing here in the US. I don't expect my online habits to change much at all, so in a lot of ways, it should seem transparent to you.
Anil says
Awesome Dave, sounds like a great plan to me :)
Adam says
Congratulations! It makes sense that you should build your empire in a place you want to be—doing what you want to do. Go for it!
Dave says
Thanks Adam, when you put it like that, I'd be crazy not to do it! :)
Locationless Living says
I am really excited for you Dave!
Dave says
Thanks Jason. I'm excited to officially give this location independent lifestyle a test drive.
MadHatNomad says
Best of luck, Dave. Sounds like a lot of fun! Can't wait to hear more about it. :-)
CamelsAndChocolate says
Congrats, brother! I'm so excited for you!
Dave says
Thanks Kristin, looking forward to resuming my coffee habit. Maybe this time I'll even visit the coffee region. :)
Charlie says
You made the right decision. I still have high hopes of catching up with you in Colombia!
Dave says
Charlie - you've been an ongoing inspiration since you decided to live in China.
seabass43 says
Awesome, congrats!! I hope to be in your position at some point down the line. The hard work always pays off! Have a blast back in my favorite country in the world (that I've been to, at least).
Dave says
Thanks Jason. I'm excited to officially give this location independent lifestyle a test drive.
Dave says
Charlie - you've been an ongoing inspiration since you decided to live in China.
Dave says
Thanks Kristin, looking forward to resuming my coffee habit. Maybe this time I'll even visit the coffee region. :)
Dave says
Thanks Adam, when you put it like that, I'd be crazy not to do it! :)
Dave says
“raging addiction� sums it up well. This will be the first time I've gone back to a place for a second extended time. Should be interesting. I keep wondering if it really is as awesome as I've told myself the last 10 months. I'm pretty sure it is, but I won't know for sure until I'm back there in person.
The cool part about this move is that I'll be doing the exact same thing I'm doing here in the US. I don't expect my online habits to change much at all, so in a lot of ways, it should seem transparent to you.
Dave says
Kesley, I think the ability for Americans to live well abroad is one of the biggest secrets! Since a lot of Americans haven't traveled abroad extensively, they think the world revolves around the USA. I feel myself slipping into old habits, specifically wasting time watching TV, which is like the canary in the coal mine for me that it's time to step out of my comfort zone again.
Hope you get your chance sooner rather than later.
Dave says
Thanks guys, it means a lot to hear your feedback!
Cornelius Aesop says
Sounds exciting! I found out I might get the opportunity to move to Lima sooner than expected who knows what exciting opportunities the future holds. Good luck
travelswithtwo says
So, this is what you were hinting at in L.A.! This is great news for you AND your parents! I can't wait to toast your decision at TBEX...before you blaze your path of glory back to Colombia.
jRo says
Good luck Dave! I applaud your bravery. My only hesitation if I were in your shoes might be the possibility that the ability to generate revenue through your websites might change in unforseen ways. On the other hand you seem adaptable and resourceful so that might be a minor concern. On the whole though I think your decision is probably the best choice.
Erin says
Well, that doesn't sound like such a bad problem to have! Medellin looks gorgeous and I'm sure you'll settle back in there. We should be visiting later in the year - we are currently in Argentina and have no idea how long it'll take us to travel up there.
Anyway congrats on making enough from your blogs to live in Medellin - that's pretty good going and something we'd be really happy with. Good luck!
Dan - Voyagner says
Great news Dave, I know how much you loved Medellin so moving there can only be a good thing and could be a boon for your travel blogs as well. Good luck with it.
James Clark says
That's great news Dave. Once you have been out of the rat race for so long it would be hard to go back to it. See you at TBEX.
Dave says
Seabass - stick with it. I've found it helpful to have a mission statement that is short and simple (easier to remember).
After my RTW trip came to an end, my mission became "being able to live and work anywhere in the world through my travel blogging." Colombia is step one. Hopefully I can work my way up to Paris within a few years. That's my new definition of freedom!
Dave says
I was hinting at it, but I didn't find out my parents had an actual buyer until I got home from the trip. The timing of it all has worked out well. Looking forward to that toast already!
Dave says
jRo - you make a good point about the potential for something unforeseen to disrupt my blogging income, which is why I feel a bit of anxiety about this move. My monthly income has been steady this year, and it's 3-4 times what I was making at the same time last year. But, there's not as big a margin as I'd like, which I hope will keep me focused and working hard down there.
jRo says
I still believe you're doing the right thing though. Following your passion and living your dream! Buena Suerte Senor!
Frank says
Don't "grow up" Dave, stuff that! Stick with the dream
Prime says
congrats dave! i wish i could do the same.
Dave says
Hey Erin - keep me in mind for when you get close to Medellin. It's always fun to meet up with people passing through.
Laura says
Congrats! Nothing could be better than moving to one of your favorite cities. Although there's always a bit of challenge in terms of a job, I'm thinking a relocation is in the works when I return from my trip. Best of luck!
Dave says
Laura - thanks, and I agree about the job, which is why I'm happy to be in the midst of creating my own. I feel much more in control this way.
Alison says
Hi Dave- I've been following along for a while as I've been planning an RTW set to start this July with my boyfriend-- I knew you were in DC but I didn't know you frequented TSR. Crazy coincidence. I used to go dancing there practically every weekend, but it's been a while since I've been. I wonder if we've ever crossed paths. Good luck in Columbia :)
Matt says
Congratulations Dave. What an exciting move - I can only imagine all the thoughts going through your head. As per the consensus here, I'd say you're making an excellent decision and it sounds as though you're following your heart. And I don't think that can ever be a poor decision. I look forward to your continued work online.
Will certainly be an exciting TBEX for you. I wish I could make it!
Dave says
Hi Alison, thanks for reading and congrats on your upcoming trip!
Yes, I'll miss TSR. I've been going out dancing 1-2 times a week since I got back home to Virginia last July. I already know the clubs that await me in Colombia, and they won't be the same. Ironically, I'm getting my long awaited VIP card tonight, but will only have a few weeks to make use of it.
Dave says
Thanks Matt, it's much easier to pick up and leave this time around as I kept all my stuff, save some clothes, in storage while I've been home. Mentally, after all my traveling the last few years, it seems far less daunting as well. It helps that I'm returning to a familiar city too.
I'm excited to be writing from abroad once again!
Dave says
Hi Alison, thanks for reading and congrats on your upcoming trip!
Yes, I'll miss TSR. I've been going out dancing 1-2 times a week since I got back home to Virginia last July. I already know the clubs that await me in Colombia, and they won't be the same. Ironically, I'm getting my long awaited VIP card tonight, but will only have a few weeks to make use of it.
Dave says
Thanks Matt, it's much easier to pick up and leave this time around as I kept all my stuff, save some clothes, in storage while I've been home. Mentally, after all my traveling the last few years, it seems far less daunting as well. It helps that I'm returning to a familiar city too.
I'm excited to be writing from abroad once again!
Aurelien says
That is funny you know because I am in the same type of situation, after living in Australia for two years I declined a job offer in Paris to grow an online business and keep travelling, I am going to Colombia in november for three months, I know it's gonna be awesome !
Aurelien says
for sure, I will arrive in Bogota but my main goal is Medellin: la eterna primavera, la rumba y las chicas lindas ;)
Until then I am working my salsa moves ;)
I've added you RSS feed to my reader so I can keep in touch, say hello to Medellin for me and have a great time !
Dave says
That's awesome Aurelien. Maybe we'll have the chance to meet up if you make it to Medellin (which I highly recommend!).
Dave says
Thanks for subscribing -- I'll be sure to post to Go Backpacking as I travel through Colombia on my way back to Medellin.
Nice video. You know it never occurred to me to video myself and use that as a way to work on my dance styling. I've been dancing over a year and have no idea what I look like!
Artistica101 says
Oh wow ! You are headed back like right now then! cool.
Dave says
Yep Amanda, my flight to Cartagena leaves NYC June 29!
travoholic says
Hey Dave! Awesome! I'm looking forward to reading all about your move.
ZORBA says
It's amazing how 'bad news' often forces people to make changes - which then transforms their lives.
For those worn out by the rat race Medellin is huge breath of fresh air.
MtnGrl says
Kudos to you! I've got two more years in the DC area before I hope to be outta here (coincident with an offspring heading off to college). Currently I'm considering Panama or Belize -- since I want to be just a few hours flight from the States. I'd be interested in your thoughts or other suggestions for places nearby where the dollar goes farther than it goes in the States.
Dave says
The dollar goes further in most of Latin America than in the States. I've taken two-week vacations to Costa Rica (2005) and Belize (2006) and enjoyed both quite a lot. Panama is only my list as well. It depends on what you're looking for -- Belize and Panama both have some beautiful islands where you can shack up. Panama City is probably a nicer place to live than Belize City (which I skipped over entirely).
Newton Steven says
Well i can say travel blogging is also the thing i want to do in my life. Good for you that you've been able to achieve it nowadays. It's cool to meet a lot of people, culture and places all at the same time. You're great!
Amanda_B says
If you are currently supporting yourself entirely from your travel blogging, that's really a great accomplishment ! Sometimes .... it's so easy to forget that being self employed and doing it your way is something special. I reached a similar point when I became entirely self employed in 2004 but then I lost the feeling when the recession hit in 2008. Things are rolling again though.
Dave says
Hi Amanda, yes, in the second half of 2010 I was living in Colombia and supporting myself fully from blogging. I still am, only now I'm currently traveling Ecuador, and the rest of South America. :)
But it's still a very month to month thing for me. If I go a few weeks without any new ad sales coming in, I definitely start to stress out more than when the opposite is happening.