9:01 am
Aye caramba! I was hanging out with two of the Brits yesterday afternoon, and went out drinking with them around 2 pm.
We hung out at Cannibals, right on the beach. The American bartender had that Tome Cruise " Cocktail"? vibe going on. He'd later be dubbed the boring guy by Nicole, one of the girls staying at Ruby's. She's traveling on her own for 10 months, and I'd later find out she's been quite a few places - year in Bali, Fiji, Thailand, Australia. She's older, I'd say around 30. And she likes monkeys.
We met Carmela last afternoon at Cannibals. She had a very distinct laugh, and she hung out with us that night as well. I was declining beer by 5 or 6 pm. Some Fijians with the British army were there too. They seemed quite nice. Much more into rugby than soccer.
As hours went by, I got a good shrimp quesadillaat Cannibals. Watched an Israeli rico suave hook up with Denise, another girl from Ruby's. Drank tequila.one shot, declined a second. More beer. Later, one of the Brits, Kenny, climbed a nearby palm tree, machete in mouth, and chopped down a coconut. It was about a 20 foot palm.
" I love the feel of salt on my skin."? -- Andrea
He gave me the chance to take a few whacks at the outer shell with the machete. A few whacks and I was satiated, so I handed it back to him. A local saw us and took over, efficiently cutting the outer shell, then inner, so we could drink the coconut water - tasty. Then we chewed on the meat.
I woke up with a hangover - I knew that was coming. The breeze at night was great though, my room was quieter too. I woke up around 6 am, and lay in bed feeling like shit. Then spent a few hours with one of the Brits and Nicole on the balcony.
It was bloody hot by 7:30 am when the sun came up. And here I am at breakfast at the Blue Water Grill. I don't know what I'm going to do today - I feel like doing nothing. I knew when I started drinking, that was an activity unto itself - and would result in a lack of desire to dive. Just as well, $125+ saved.
Tomorrow I'm off to Caye Caulker - who knows what I'll do there.
" I think Dave's' a sex vampire."? -- Darren
I just don't feel like doing anything. Some of the sailboats anchored off shore look amazing. I can see how people are seduced into such a lifestyle. Yeah, I'm beat.
At Cannibals I met April - a college student from Indiana, part Mexican. She was very pretty, dark skin, dark hair blowing in the breeze. She was with her study group cohorts, and they had to leave about 30 minutes after we started talking. They were spending the week studying fish and the reef life. She was a big Phish fan.
I want to go back and lie down. If I could/can sleep, all the better. The more serious I get about a RTW (round-the-world) trip, the more doubts I seem to have about it and myself. I know I can do it. It would be quite an adventure. The water is so blue.
12:21 pm
After the Brits left, and Nicole and Denise headed to Caye Caulker, I rented a bike from Joe's Bikes and headed north. About 30 minutes up, I stopped at the Palupa Bar, which is on a second story, above the water on a pier. I'm alone here, own private paradise. Beautiful views in all directions. The noon heat was blazing so I needed the shade. The cheese nachos are just the sustenance I'll need to proceed. The bar has graffiti all over it and I'm going to have to leave my mark too.
I am going to listen to " Beached"? again by Orbital. With the quotes from " The Beach"? over it, mine as well be a backpacker theme!
4:44 pm
I pedaled another 15 minutes and reached Captain Morgan's resort. I had a beer and water at the bar. Scoped the scene. A lot of young and old American couples. Looked nice enough but was missing character, reality! It's a designed fantasy - contrived. I suppose it'd be nice for a honeymoon experience, but not something I'll be doing anytime soon. I made good time back, on purpose due to the blazing heat. It cost $5 for three hours. It was a 6 mile round trip ride.
Picture this - riding down a sandy path, under the blazing noon sun, Caribbean just a stone's throw away, listening to Bob Marley - One Love, Three Little Birds, and Jammin'. Amazing, I told myself. After I lost the bike, got an ice cream, I walked past Cannibals, and was surprised to see Darren and Kenny, with Carmela, and the other dudes. They took a later boat - 3:30 pm. I got some pictures.
Darren asked me for something uniquely American, so I gave him my Washington, DC pen, the $3 one! Kenny gave me an English VIP card for a bar. An hour later, they sadly went off and I have to admit, I was a bit sad to see them go. Good fun. I turned and started talking to a pretty Canadian girl - Jamie. Turns out she's nearing the end of a three month Central American trip with her boyfriend. We'll both be in Caye Caulker as well.
Carmela said it's much quieter over there - perfect. Probably like Cahuita vs. Puerto Viejo in Costa Rica. I'm going to take the 9:30 am boat I think. $10 one way. A Rastafarian, The Lyrical King, tried to sell me a CD. He'll be playing at Cannibals from 7:30-11 pm so I'll be checking him out after a nice dinner at the Jamaican jerk place. Going to take it easy on the beer tonight.
I read a little more of my Buddhist book, " Awakening the Buddhist Heart"? by Lama Surya Das. No rush. It's a lot to absorb and I'm in no hurry. I'm glad I brought my linen shirt. It's perfect - well ventilated.
**Round the World 2008**
The waves breaking over the reef seem so close - they're really a few miles away.
Remember this feeling - use it to stay motivated for a bigger trip. The excitement of seeing wild sharks, a pet monkey, bicycling the coast to Bob Marley and Ben Harper. Remember the Brits - their good humor and high tolerance. Remember Andrea, and her good-hearted parents who invited me on a 3-day catamaran trip. Remember the breeze, view, loneliness, friendliness, sense of wonder, awe, beauty, desire. Remember to appreciate your surroundings regardless of where you are living, traveling or lay resting. Remember to take one step at a time, slow down, enjoy the ride. Remember to stay positive - you can do it, I can do it, single girls are out and about, along with the guys. Peace, love, and happiness. I'm going to write-out my MP3 play list. I've heard two people who've had their iPods stolen.
Ricky - 9-year old spider monkey. I love it when the sun goes down, and those cool breezes kick up. I'm not breaking new ground, by most of what I do on these trips, but the people, bonds, conversations are unique and beautiful (epiphany).
8:22 pm
I bruised my nose snorkeling yesterday. I kept pushing hard on my goggles to ensure a tight fit.
Table of Contents - Backpacking in Belize & Guatemala
Planning - Trip Inventory Planning - Trip Activities and Experiences Music - MP3 Playlist for the Road Day 1 - Washington, DC to San Pedro, Belize - A Caribbean Journey Day 2 - Snorkeling with Sharks and Sting Rays Day 3 - Adventures with the British Army and a Bike Ride Day 4 - Belize Island Hop - Ambergris Caye to Caye Caulker Day 5 - Island Life in Belize Day 6 - Fishing by Day, Charades by Night Day 7 - Caye Caulker, Belize - Hammocks, Food and Fun